Funny thing is. We kinda forgot.
Yep. It's official, we are getting old.
We got up. He went to work. I started my day at home. And we both forgot that it was the day we had gotten married eight years ago. I think what threw us off was that we celebrated our anniversary this past weekend. We went on a kid free date! Shopping, and out to a nice dinner. It wasn't until about 3:30 yesterday evening that I remembered. I was out vacuuming the van when I thought, oh my gosh its our anniversary! I hurried up and called my hubby. Small talked for a minute to see if he knew, then said "So do you know what today is"? It took him only a second. He very quickly, kinda yelled, "Happy Anniversary"!! He pretty much was thinking at that point, that he was dead meat. That he had forgotten and I had sat home all day waiting for him to say it. He was quite relieved to find out I had forgotten as well. So I ended up making his favorite dinner when he was on his way home. And he showed up with a giant hanging basket plant for me. Win win. :)
The oops I forgot our anniversary plant