
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So True

I saw this quote on a blog I follow, and just had to share it with you guys.

Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on the object we're waiting for.
-- Charles Stanley

Monday, April 23, 2012

Release for fingerprints is on its way

I love mailing stuff to our adoption agency. It makes it so real. Today I sent the release form for them to get out our fingerprints from the local DHHR. I was glad to find out that we shouldn't have to re-do them from the last time we began the PRIDE classes. One more step taken!

Psalm 37:23   The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

picture is from

Friday, April 20, 2012

The adoption begins!

Now that we have attended our first class with this agency it feels so official. And I have to say I love this agency so much better then just going through DHHR. It was laid back and fun, and I meet some very sweet adoptive momma's. Before attending I was a little nervous about how much I would like the agency, but feel so much better now, and I am getting so excited about this journey. We are currently still deciding our age group, and if we want to go foster or birthmother. We are able to choose between adopting a toddler from foster care or finding a birthmother and adopting a newborn. I want both :) 

I saw this cute little picture on . It looks a lot like the adoption process..a beautiful mess.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Alexander's Accident

Sorry I have once again neglected the blog. I do want to post about how our first adoption class with this agency went. I will do that in the next one. But i also wanted to show you guys what went on here this past Friday. I had gotten up and was about to get started on homeschooling. I told alex to go to the schoolroom in our basement and get a pencil. He was down there a few minutes then I heard him screaming "Help me" I could tell something was wrong so I ran downstairs and this is what I saw....

He had climbed up an old bed that was in the storage side of the basement, and it must have had a broken spot..It was pointy and when he stepped up on it it through the bottom of his foot at an angle across and into the bottom of his little toe and out the top of it right by his toenail. First time I ever called 911 and me and his little sister were panicking. Looking back I laugh at myself. I do not do well with blood...or sticks through feet. But it is hard to see your little boy in so much pain.
 It all worked out, he was very brave the whole way to the hospital. He didn't even cry that much, just kept gagging when he looked at it. The hardest part was when they had to give him a shot in the toe to numb it. It took lots of us holding him down, and how it must have hurt. It broke my heart. They also had me help hold him as they pulled it out. Poor little guy ended up with seven stitches. And lots of gifts :) So thankful that God is always with us. He was watching over my little boy. His toe is fine and no broken bones. God is good.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bare Feet

Loving bare feet in spring grass.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Reaching the Orphan

Sometimes the idea of letting go of our own dreams, giving them to God, and letting him lead our lives, can be scary. It requires dying of ourselves, and opening our lives to something that may not be easy!
 Sometimes adopting can seem scary. What if this child is so broken that we can't possibly heal all the hurt in their lives? What if they have behavior issues? Or never live for God? The list goes on. See sometimes we think that's our job. The fixing, the healing...but it's God's. Our job is to act. To be willing to do something risky so that someone else, a stranger, can know and feel the love that God first showed us.
There are so many kids out there that don't know love. And if we don't go. If we don't say "No matter how hard this is, I am going to love that child" they never will. The scary parts are His. He can heal a broken heart. Psalm 147:23 says He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. But what if we won't do our part? What if we won't bring them into our homes, and give them that place to be restored?
If God is placing the idea of adoption on your heart, but the unknowns just seem like to much. You can't see how you can afford it, don't know if the child's needs will be more then you can handle, give it back to God. It belongs to him. He is more then able to work out the finances, mend that broken heart, and give you strength to do what he has called you for.

Impact Zambia Update

***Impact Zambia Update: 30 commitments...4 days to go. Needing 70 more Impacters!
Impact children like Bwalya Bwayla & have your gift MATCHED!!
As you saw in the video, Bwalya Bwalya became a double orphan because of HIV/Aids when he was only five years and now he, too, is HIV+.  Thankfully, Bwalya Bwalya lives with his grandparents and is able to attend the Lifesong Zambia School. Despite his uncertain past, he has a hopeful future because of the presence of Christ in his life and the opportunity to receive an education.
We have launched an Impact Zambia 100 campaign that will help build a high school for Bwalya Bwayla and other children in similar life situations.  We are nearly 1/3 of the way there and have only 4 days left.  
We are looking for 100 people to make a monthly commitment of $20 for one year to help complete this building project. MATCHING GIFT OPPORTUNITY!  (that's right-­‐-­‐gifts will be matched dollar-­‐ for-­‐dollar thanks to a generous donor!) Sixty-­‐seven cents a day from 100 people for a year can make this vision a reality for children like Bwalya Bwalya. 4 days left 70 people to go...Will you join us? To join Impact Zambia 100, email To learn more about Impact Zambia 100, click here.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Egg HUnt

This weekend we took the kids to a local Easter egg hunt. They had a blast!So excited for this time of year. Spring is by far one of my favorite seasons. And God is doing some amazing new birth in our lives as well. Looking forward to all he has in store for us

Applictaion is on its way

It's official! We have mailed out our application to a local adoption agency. And will soon be starting up the required classes again. We will keep you up updated! :)


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