
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Homeschool Clubs

I haven't blogged much about homeschooling lately, but I have been meaning to tell you guys about this great thing I found for the kids. If your like me you want to find things for your kids to be a part of that are fun and educational. I recently signed the kids up for some online homeschool clubs through Miss Ruby joined American Girl Club and Al joined Lego club. And I just wanted to say I totally recommend signing your kids up for one of these awesome clubs. Best part is they are free!! How great is that??

American Girl club is a club about history focusing on women. They also read the American Girl books and discuss them together.   

Lego club is focused on building a Lego project each month and is a ton of fun.!! Check them out!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Life as a foster parent

Life as we know it has changed around here. There are sippy cups on the counter, pull ups in my purse and a little curly haired girl being tucked into bed.

It's not always easy. Some moments they all play together nicely other times they fight like cats and dogs. Some times she is happy and sweet other times she's kicking and screaming because she can't have her way. Overall she's a sweet little girl but oh my can she be a handful.

Last night we were at a birthday party for a friends little girl. It was at one of the local fast food restaurants with a play place and Little Miss N was playing with the other kids inside the playground. Hubby and I were right outside the playground doors at the big party table. Well somehow she got out without us seeing her and went to the next table down. They were having a birthday party too. When I spotted her she had done managed to get herself a cupcake and was scarfing it down! She is quick!

Then there's the hair. I am not good with the hair. Lol. It's a working progress.

We can definitly use your prayers as we begin this journey. We have had good moments and bad moments. But are already loving the journey called foster care.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Surprise! Were Foster Parents!

I figured it's about time I stopped by the blog to let you guys know the news. We are foster parents! I promise to do a longer post telling you guys about how it's been going....

 But for now how about a picture of some feet??

Friday, January 3, 2014

First Day of School 2014 and Another Call!!

Yesterday was the kids first day back to school after Christmas break. It actually went pretty well considering I forgot all about the impending back to school day until the night before. They got up, had some play time, then we got started. They finished up around two and I had the rest of the day to get the house cleaned up. Yay!

 Homeschooling can be difficult but I am so glad I do it. Once you get a routine going it isn't so bad. One thing I have found out for me is no routine equals bad! Another little tip would be to remember that kids learn at their own pace. My son has struggled with reading since day one. His biggest problem being that he doesn't like doing it. He just wasn't interested. Now that he has some things that he is really into, like star wars, I am finding him getting out his star wars books and reading them! It can take quite awhile for him to get much of it done but at least he is doing it on his own! Practice makes progress...

It can be hard to not get frustrated when they don't seem to be picking something up. You may feel like your failing as a teacher.

Remember this...

It will happen.

They will get it.

In their time.

Just keep working.

Now about that call you are waiting to read about....

Yesterday while homeschooling,  I got a phone call from the agency! We are going to do our first respite care placement!!

Respite is when a foster family (us) watches another foster families foster children for a short time. It can be hours it can be a week. Basically babysitting for a foster family. Were excited though! It will give us a little practice. :)


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