
Monday, February 24, 2014


I know I haven't updated the blog recently. There's nothing new going on around here. Just getting through these last weeks of winter and waiting for spring!! There's been no foster care calls or anything going on in the adoption world. Were just simply living. :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

3 Ways to Advocate for the Orphans / Lifesong for Orphans

14-02 MM email

"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows." Isaiah 1:17

Advocate. There are countless ways to advocate for the orphan whether through adoption, sponsorship, in-country orphan care or prayer (just to name a few). Enjoy this month's Mission Moment as we highlight some of these advocate opportunities...


Chris Hopf, a pastor at Second Baptist Church (Houston, TX) and India Orphan Advocate, shares what it means to be an advocate for orphans abroad and in your own community. Listen in...

To learn more about becoming an Orphan Advocate, visit

FINDING A NEW FAMILY {Maryjuri's Story} 

Meet Maryjuri, a 13-year-old at Plan Escalon School in Honduras who is learning the power of redemption from her own life's circumstances. Listen in to hear how God has given her a NEW family and a NEW belonging. Become an ADVOCATE for students like Maryjuri through the support of child sponsorship!

To learn more about sponsoring a child like Maryjuri, visit


Prayer Team

Sign up to receive monthly updates of recent prayer requests and praises from all across Lifesong's ministry. Learn more at


Showing Jesus to the Forgotten -- Learn what it means to be a TFI Advocate to the forgotten in your own community. Read More

"We Had Room for Another Child" -- Lifesong celebrates adoptive family who has received funding FOUR times! Love to see families ADVOCATE through adoption. Read More

Be an Advocate for Orvin -- See the incredible HOPE in Orvin's eyes despite the loss he has suffered and see how you can advocate on his behalf. Read More

Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit 10 {May 1-2; CHICAGO} -- CAFO2014 Summit inspires and equips Christians to care for orphans with wisdom-guided love. Register today! Read More


Celebrate Life Concert tour with Cheri Keaggy & Children from Zambia. This concert will be an excellent opportunity for the whole family to hear how they can help care for orphans and vulnerable children. Read More

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Little Lady

Look what was found crawling across my kitchen floor today. In February! Think we will get a phone call today? :)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Call me Cake Boss

My son will soon be celebrating his 8th birthday. This year he wants a star wars themed party. As I was looking online at lots of beautiful cakes my sister told me "We could do that". And so we tried.

 It could use a little extra work but it's not bad for a practice cake is it? Now I just have to get through the pressure of making one for the "real deal" without going into a full blown panic!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Can you homeschool?

Sometimes the best training for the really big things is just the everyday things.

I don't know how many times I have heard people say that they don't think they could ever homeschool. It's either because they don't think they have the patience or time or maybe that they just can't imagine not having time away from the kids. Either way so many time I feel like saying "YES YOU CAN!!" 

If you feel like God is calling you to homeschool your kids, but you just feel unable. I want you to know you can do it. Not one of us homeschool moms have super patience or just love being around kids 24/7. NO. We are just regular moms doing it one day at a time with His help. 

I saw the above quote somewhere the other day and wrote it down. It's so true. You learn to homeschool by doing the everyday things with your kids. Read them a book, teach them their ABC's, spend time with them. These are what goes into homeschooling. And yes you can do it.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

Saying Goodbye

Almost three weeks. That's how long we had our first foster placement. What a journey it's been. She came to us with a little wal-mart bag with some pull ups and a few pairs of jammies and socks. Everything reeked of cigarette smoke and her hair was a knotted up mess. We plopped her in the bath tub that first night and she surprised us by not fussing at all. She loved playing in the bath. I think having kids here was the biggest ice breaker. She had her moments of grief, especially at bedtime, but mostly she was happy to be playing with the kids. She loves church and going out to eat and just seemed to fit right in wherever we went.

We got the call that she would be going to live with family around dinner time. The rest of the evening we played, had fun watching a movie together and prepared her for the move the next day.

She helped us pack up her things the next morning and seemed to be handling it well. Then she broke down and started taking stuff out of her bag crying that she didn't want to leave anymore, that she wanted to stay here. It is heartbreaking to know that she has another adjustment to make now. Right as her little heart was getting settled here. We just pray that God goes with her and that things work out well for her. 

We will miss you our curly haired little girl!


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