
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Goodbye's Coming

In my last post I had mentioned that our Baby girl's court date was coming up where we would hear which way her case was heading. Well court came and went and we now know that our little sweetie will be going home soon. Right now it's looking like she will leave next week.

So many emotions go with this.

I am really sincerely happy for her mom.
I think it's awesome how well she did and how determined she was to get her beautiful baby back.

At the same time we will miss her here. But God is good. He gives us peace.

All these kids, they are God's anyways. We can only give them to Him and trust that no matter where our children go He goes with them. And He will be good to them.

Baby girl will have been with us for close to 5 months. When people considering foster care read stuff like this it scares them away. They think " I couldn't do that".

I honestly thought the same thing.

 But now that I'm here I realize that when you step out to do Gods will in your life no matter what it is, even if it looks to hard for you, He will be everything you need.

He will be your strength.
Your comfort.
Your hope.

 I don't feel stressed or anxious about her leaving. I feel peace. I can do this! I can foster and say goodbye. Because of Him.

We are going to miss all the little things about her. Her laugh, smiles, things laying all around the house...but we will keep moving forward taking care of these precious kids. Even if there is heartbreak.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Life Lately

I'm sorry. It's been forever. We are still fostering Baby Girl. And I'm pretty sure she is getting more adorable every day. Her court date is coming up soon and I am sooo ready to have an idea of which way her case is going.

The joys of fostering.

You never know whats up ahead.

 Like a few days ago when  we went to a friends house for pizza and ended up coming home with a baby! Yep, we got the call on the way to their house ( after we had already picked up the pizza) asking us if we would do respite for a 6 month old baby girl. We said yes. They dropped her off to us on our friends porch at 9:30 that night. She actually just went back to her foster family this morning. It was an interesting few days!

  Lots of bottles, diapers, and giggles. A four month old and a six month old..... Fun, but I am relieved to be back to just one baby!


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