
Friday, February 3, 2017

Until God says stop

I never intended to foster. It wasn't in my plans. But somehow what started out as wanting to adopt turned into me one day taking that first phone call from CPS. They asked if I would take a little three year old girl, there was no other info other than she needed a home. So I said yes. It was 8:00 that night in January 2014 when they showed up on my door and I first became a foster mom. Two years later (after telling my husband all my foster stories and a recent phone call from my agency asking if I would consider adopting a baby) here I am again. My husband and I have decided to open our home back up to foster. I'm still licensed so it will be a quick process of just getting him some certifications and training and then I will once again be a foster mom. I couldn't be more excited!! Our lives sometimes go different paths than we originally plan. And it's perfect. So here we go again!! Until God says stop.


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