
Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So i have made a decision. After much consideration me and Eric have decided we definately want our children to be homeschooled. We have found a christian based curriculum that we are going to use and Alexander will be starting kindergarten for sure this fall!! It is more pricey to homeschool..but totally worth it. From what we have seen the schools are a mess these days. I have had people say "well how are they going to be a witness if they don't go to school. And a blog I ran across had a reply to that, and I loved it. Do we want to expose our children to ungodly teaching when they are at a young age and unable to understand what's true from what's not? She asked if we were being selfish to put  our own childs needs before societies needs. Then she went on to talk about how God has given us as parents the responsibility to teach and train our children. And that they can't very well go out and influence the world for good until they have been prepared for it. Proverbs 22:6 says  Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. So that's what I want to do. I want to prepare my children here. Teach them about God and all the other things that they need to be taught. And spend all my time with focusing on equiping them. After all doesn't the bible tell us that children are like arrows? Sharpen them right, teach them right..and these children will be like arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior, changing this world. I do have to say that this will be a new experience and I'm sure it will take some time to get on track..but I'm excited! So if you are already a homeschooling mama and have some suggestions any tips/websites would be appreciated :)


  1. You are definitely an inspiration to me...that takes a lot of determination to homeschool I would think :) Enjoy your time with the kids...also how do you know us again? Just curious!! I love your blog!!

  2. You are going love it!!!!

    I follow Alpha&Omega curriculum. Great stuff.

    2 tips:
    -Give yourself and your kiddos time to adjust.
    -ALWAYS remember that your kiddos spirit is more important than Math, Phonics, spelling, etc. (sometimes that requires lots of hugs, putting away homeschool for the day... sometimes even "I'm sorries".

    Very excited for you!!!!

  3. Kelli, Thanks! And Alpha Omega curriculum is what I was planning on using..glad to hear of someone else that is using them too. I'm planning on ordering their Horizens kindergarten curriculum. Have you heard anything about that one?

  4. Kari, Hey, thanks for the comment. I'm a little nervous about starting but it should be I will try to keep my blog up to date on how it's going. And I actually just found your blog either through some other adoption blog or google or maybe through a linky. lol. I can't remember exactly which one it was. But that's how I have come across all the blogs I follow.:) Although you look so familiar to me. But if you have never lived in the WV, VA area I probably don't know you in person. I have lived in this area my entire life:). But I'm glad to have come across your blog. These blogs really lift me up and keep me motivated to persue adoption. Love your blog too!

  5. I used Horizon kindergarten... and love it! (I loved it so much I purchased extra student books for my 2yr old when she's ready for kindergarten).

    There are lots of fancy homeschooling items out there- with lots of bells and whistles- so easy to get distracted!!! Outside of Horizons- I used the library weekly, and would sometimes prepare special lessons (history, science) from I've also bought the first grade book in that series.

    Stick to the basics- reading/phonics and math... You'll do great!!!!

  6. Just want to encourage you in your homeschooling adventure!! I cannot imagine my children at school all day...they are so close and involved with each other's lives! I have used a bit of several different curriculums and love getting to change to meet the need of one of the boys. I don't think I even used a curriculum until first grade. We would just read books. play games and cook--you really don't need much. Now I have one starting middle school--time just flies! I am glad that you are standing by your conviction to keep your children home for school.


Thanks so much for your kind words!


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