Sunday night Alex woke up with a fever. Now Rory has it too. So the last few days have been full of taking care of two sickies. Which has been kind of relaxing..instead of cleaning for my big Christmas Eve party we have been laying around watching Veggie tales and munching on pretzels and ginger Ale.:) And of course they want to snuggle all the time :) Right now Alex is sleeping. And Rory is laying beside me as I blog. But with all this staying in and snuggling I am so praying that I don't get this flu! Christmas Eve we are having both mine and Eric's parents over for a Christmas Eve party. Then Christmas morning we will drive up to moms exchange gifts, stay for a big lunch. Then head over to Eric's parents to exchange gifts with them and a big dinner! So as you can see I don't have time to get sick :)
We also had our first big(ish) snow of the season recently...thought I would post a pic up for you guys :)
Yes I know they are dressed kinda funny looking. Rory has a dress over a skirt, over sweatpants...she is very ummmmm expressive in her choice of clothes lately.
So I gotta run, But I hope your having fun these last few days before Christmas!
Praying you don't get it least it's not the stomach thing...yuck!! Merry Christmas!!