
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We are adopting!

                        EVERY CHILD DESERVES A LOVING HOME

So this is the big news!
With much prayer we have decided that we are going to try and adopt from foster care, through the foster adopt program...

We understand that there is legal risk, and we may not get to adopt the first child placed with us.
But we are just going to put it in HIS hands and see where this goes! There are so many children all over the world who need someone to love them, we want to change that for at least one. We are sooo excited, and also a little nervous. We have called the DHHR and have our package, and we will be starting PRIDE classes in September. After these classes, and we understand all the process, we will then get a homestudy done.

We will be updating this blog often on the journey,  and would love you to follow.

This is a BIG decision, and we would love any advise/encouragement from anyone who knows the process!
Including any advice on how you shared the news with your family :)

1 comment:

  1. Big, big news. Awesome news!!!!!!

    Trust God. It's amazing who will stand with you during this journey- and who will not. But it doesn't matter- you are called by God! Remember that!


Thanks so much for your kind words!


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