My High's
- Number one the warm weather!! Getting out with the kids some during the day. We went to the outlets one day and to grandma's house another.
- Number two Homeschooling is almost finished!!! It won't be long now and we will be on summer break!!
- Number three is actually a meeting were attending to night at church, that I am super excited about. It's the meeting to prepare for Matthew 25 Sunday!! A Sunday where instead of having church we are setting up a booth in the community and handing out free non perishable food and clothes to the needy and widows!!!!! Super excited to be a part of it.
- Number four my stress test and echo results came back great!
My Low's
Spiritual Warfare. Those times when it seems the enemy is fighting you with all his might. When it seems like everyone in the house is in a bad mood. Your heart feels discouraged. You feel stressed out and like maybe you should just give up on some of your dreams... This has been one of those weeks.
Lesson learned
- My GOD is bigger then the stress.
- He will encourage the discouraged.
- That the best place for me to be when it seems like the enemy has us all down, is down on my knees. That's where my enemy is defeated.
- And I'm learning to just be content with where I am now. He has a plan for me. I just need to wait on him.
Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Thank you so much for your lesson learned. I really needed that.